Hello NWA!

Hey everybody! I’m very excited to introduce to you the Get Real NWA blog. Here you can find the real scoop on real estate in NW Arkansas.   I confess that for a long time I was one of those people who just signed on the dotted line and didn’t ask a lot of questions when buying or selling a home. Really. But when I became a real estate agent, I realized that the things I was learning in school were things that everybody should know!


So I think it’s time to demystify things a little bit.  I’ll break it down and make it easy, because the worst thing you could do is buy or sell a home without understanding the “fine print.”   I want you to feel empowered and “in the know”  so that you can buy, sell, and  take care of all the details in between with confidence.

I also want to introduce you to some pretty awesome people in our community who are the best in their fields and who can help you as you prepare to buy or sell your home.  Everyone from inspectors to appraisers, from lenders to plumbers. You will need these guys on your side when you are ready to make the leap.

So stay tuned!